Financial Report as a Media of Financial Information on Kopi Juara Lumajang

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Muhammad Rijalus Sholihin


The preparation of financial reporting is an important factor in the implementation of a business activity, because the existence of such financial reporting makes business actors aware of the costs that often arise and the period of repayment of debts as well as knowing the advantages and disadvantages of a business that is being run. Small and medium enterprises such as Kopi Champion Lumajang are also still the same as most other MSME entrepreneurs, namely the need for guidance in order to be able to prepare good and correct financial reports in order to produce good and correct financial reports, and easily understood by various parties who need it. The results of activities that can be taken from Community Service activities with Kopi Champion
partners are divided into three activities.

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How to Cite
Sholihin, M. R. (2022). Financial Report as a Media of Financial Information on Kopi Juara Lumajang. Progress Conference, 5(2), 372–376. Retrieved from


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