Competence and Motivation Influence on Performance of State Vocational Teachers Senduro In Lumajang

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Dibyo Erfanto
Hesti Budiwati
Kasno Kasno


The purpose of the study was to Determine the competence and motivation of the performance of teachers at Senduro State Vocational School in Lumajang Regency. The population in this study were all teachers in Senduro State Vocational School. The sampling technique used in this study uses probability sampling using simple random sampling taken by 33 respondents. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study Showed that the simultaneous lack of competence and motivation towards the performance of teachers at Senduro State Vocational School in Lumajang District. In general, competency and motivation for teachers at Senduro State Vocational School in Lumajang Regency Also are incompetent. Released for Senduro State Vocational High School to pay more attention to increasing competence towards teachers by conducting workshops or training programs regularly, and Also paying attention to how to Increase the motivation of each individual teacher. In general, competency and motivation for teachers at Senduro State Vocational School in Lumajang Regency Also are incompetent. Released for Senduro State Vocational High School to pay more attention to increasing competence towards teachers by conducting workshops or training programs regularly, and Also paying attention to how to Increase the motivation of each individual teacher. In general, competency and motivation for teachers at Senduro State Vocational School in Lumajang Regency Also are incompetent. Released for Senduro State Vocational High School to pay more attention to increasing competence towards teachers by conducting workshops or training programs regularly, and Also paying attention to how to Increase the motivation of each individual teacher.

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How to Cite
Erfanto, D., Budiwati, H., & Kasno, K. (2019). Competence and Motivation Influence on Performance of State Vocational Teachers Senduro In Lumajang. Progress Conference, 2(2), 284–289. Retrieved from


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